Planning applications are dealt with by Chichester District Council acting as agents of the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA). The Parish Council is consulted on all applications in the parish. These are considered at each Parish Council meeting held on the second Thursday of each month after which responses are sent to SDNPA. All Councillors are members of the Planning Committee.
A separate Planning Meeting is only convened when the deadline for responses falls before the next scheduled Parish Council Meeting
Information on planning applications can be viewed through the SDNPA's Public Access system. Enter the planning application reference number into the search box, or search using other criteria, e.g. '24/00334' or 'Stedham'.
If you have any queries about local applications considered by the Stedham with Iping Planning Committee, please contact the Parish Clerk:(
SDNPA Local Plan
The South Downs National Park Authority adopted the South Downs Local Plan on 02 July 2019.
The South Downs Local Plan is the first Local Plan to cover the whole of the South Downs National Park. It sets out strategic and non-strategic policies (including site allocation policies) which form part of the statutory development plan for the area. It is a landscape-led plan that reflects the national parks’ statutory purposes and duty, and which seeks to capture the principles of ‘ecosystem services’.
The South Downs Local Plan has been subject to examination by an independent Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. The adopted Plan incorporates the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspector as set out the Appendix to the Report on the Examination of the South Downs Local Plan 2014-2033 dated 18 June 2018. The Inspector’s Report is available on the South Downs National Park website at
Copies of this Adoption Statement, the adopted South Downs Local Plan, the Sustainability Appraisal incorporating the Strategic Environmental Statement, Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement, Policies Map and Inspector’s Report are available to view at