There are currently three committees in place, as follows:
Finance and General Purposes Committee
All councillors are members of this committee. It advises the council on financial matters, subscriptions and contributions to parish organisations. It deals with Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and employment of the clerk or any other person. It is responsible for formulating the budget for the next financial year. Financial matters are reported on at each Ordinary Parish Council meeting.
Further information can be found under the Finance menu.
Planning Committee
All eligible councillors are members of this committee. Planning applications will be considered during SIPC Ordinary Meetings which are held on the second Thursday of each month. A separate planning meeting will be convened when there is a planning application which requires a response before the next scheduled SIPC Meeting. It is responsible for making SIPC's observations on planning applications to SDNPA (through the clerk). The committee visits application sites as required.
Further information can be found under the Planning menu.
Environment & Amenities Committee
All councillors are members of this committee. It advises the council on the provision, maintenance and management of the play areas. It is responsible for open spaces and deals with the grass cutting contracts for the Recreation Ground, Common View and the closed churchyard at Iping. It is responsible for the allotments, highways matters and footpaths.